Azure DevOps Inline Script Tips


Before you even commit an inline script, paste it an editor with syntax highlighting. An errant or missing quote or parenthesis will be much easier to spot.

alt text

I try to avoid using macro or template syntax in an inline script ($(macroSyntax) $). Since it is a verbatim replacement, things can get messy if the variable or parameter contains a $ or ". Instead use the env: block to set environment variables that can be used in the script. That also makes it easier to test the script locally.

- pwsh: |
    Write-Host "MyVar is $env:MyVar"
    Write-Host "MyParam is $env:MyParam"
      MyVar: $(MyVar)
      MyParam: $

To test the inline script, paste it into a file, add the environment variables, and run it locally. As usual, watch indenting.

$env:MyVar = "TestingVar"
$env:MyParam = "TestingParam"

# --------- inline script ---------
    Write-Host "MyVar is $env:MyVar"
    Write-Host "MyParam is $env:MyParam"

Sometimes you’ll get an error in an inline script that is baffling. If you really get stuck you can dump out the generated scripts by adding a step like this:

 - pwsh: |
      Get-Item $(Agent.TempDirectory)/*.ps1 | ForEach-Object {
       ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $($_.FullName)"
       Get-Content $_.FullName
    displayName: 'Dump Generated ps1 files'
    condition: always()

When you run an inline script, it will log the name of the script, which you can then look for in the logs.

Task         : PowerShell
Description  : Run a PowerShell script on Linux, macOS, or Windows
Version      : 2.245.1
Author       : Microsoft Corporation
Help         :
Generating script.
========================== Starting Command Output ===========================
/usr/bin/pwsh -NoLogo -NoProfile -NonInteractive -Command . '/agent/_work/_temp/d6826bfb-2151-4e5b-aa40-a1dd2c24d1cc.ps1'

Hope that helps!